Bryonna Nobles
Happy New Year!

Hi, I'm Bryonna and this is Kari and we'll be your servers here at the Paperback Cafe where both famous and lesser known authors will be your chefs, serving up some great reads for your enjoyment.

Reviews are so important to authors. You can decide at a glance what you want to read, but we'll get into that more later.

Kari A. Korkow & her beagle
companion, Nym!
Kari has made a New Year's Resolution to read 40 books by December 31, 2014. She's a much faster reader than I am but I'm just an avid reader who loves both Traditional and Indie Published authors.

I stick to mainly Romance - with a deep loyalty to Paranormal Romance. What can I say? I'm a sucker for the Happily Ever After. I feel there's enough harshness in the world, when I read a book, I want a happy ending. I also love, love, love audiobooks. I listen to them while driving, cleaning, etc, because I just can't do one thing at a time. Not possible!

Even in classic literature, my favorite authors of Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, and William Shakespeare. Since they always ask, no Romeo & Juliet is not my favorite of Shakespeare's works. I much prefer his comedies such as Twelfth Night and Taming of the Shrew.

Kari is a bit more rounded when it comes to her literary appetites. Choosing a favorite genre for her seems much like choosing which of your children you love the most - not an easy task to be sure! She dabbles in the shallows of science fiction - usually for Star Wars and Doctor Who novels, though there was one similar theme to Star Trek in a create-your-own-novel which I gave her that still makes her smile.

The Historical (fiction and non-fiction) genre has followed her from her childhood. It may take a while to fully digest some of the longer ones but that just means she has more time to process the facts included.

Of course, she would be nowhere without Paranormal Romance or Young Adult books (yeah those are hard to connect but it can be done!). She must confess that she strongly prefers Paranormal and/or Dystopian YA novels. She reads to escape reality - meaning that drama/real life situations tend to bore her.

There are so many more out there she loves - Classics such as 1984 (which I always have to say - THE YEAR I WAS BORN!), Ivanhoe, Illiad/Odyssey; Comcis such as Calvin and Hobbes, Garfield, Peanuts; and, of course, general non-fiction such as humor books which are really great for a bad day (Kari - Thank you, Dave Berry, for getting me through high school!

The options are endless...

If you're here with us, you're clearly looking for some great reads. Well, I hope we can provide! Also, feel free to comment. Share your own thoughts on the books we're reviewing or make recommendations for books you'd think we should enjoy. 

We look at books like fine dining.

You'll find as the blog grows, we'll have a Savory Menu full of books from genres - watch out for those spicy ratings! Desserts which will be made up of our sweet reads - stories with little to no sex. And our "Kids Menu" for great Young Adult books you can sink your teeth into.

We are your servers and we hope to delight you with our literary taste buds with some amazing author chefs that you might have never thought twice about and bond with us over some of your favorites. 

Our menu is always better enjoyed with a cup of coffee, tea or glass of wine because reading isn't a hobby, its a lifestyle.
1 Response
  1. Melba Says:

    Lovely little café! I look forward to enjoying your fare!

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